Craig Wiley is a matchmaker. He loves books, writers, publishers, and readers...but mostly, he loves bringing them all together.
Craig founded The Craig Wiley Agency after a number of years working in the publishing industry. Most recently, he worked as a literary agent for a prestigious agency in California. Before that, he worked in the legal department of another successful agency, spending most of his time negotiating book contracts for authors. As an agent, Craig works with authors of all types of fiction and non-fiction. As an overall literary goal, he works to increase the quality, not just the quantity, of books being sold to the public.
In addition to his job as a literary agent, Craig writes his own stuff from time to time. He's worked as a ghostwriter on a few of his clients' book projects, as well as co-author for Walter & Me: Standing in the Shadow of Sweetness with Eddie Payton and Paul Brown. But he's most proud of having written two novels. Maybe someday you'll get to read them.
In his spare time, Craig enjoys playing drums, basketball, reading, and spending time with his wife, Darcy, his son, Elliot, and his two daughters, Farah and Gracia. Along with Craig, Darcy is a writer and lover of books. She co-wrote The Yes Effect: Accepting God's Invitation to Transform the World Around You with Luis Bush.
If you'd like to reach Craig, please send him an email at the following address: cwiley(at)